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公司简介  / ABOUT US
北京进元科技有限公司是专业的实验室咨询、设计和施工公司。公司秉承安全、健康、环保和以人为本的宗旨,致力于推广专业实验室的建设理念和技术,向客户提供实验室建设的概念设计、规划设计、实验室流程和布局设计、工程安装、调试、设备采购和管理咨询等服务。公司的业务有两部分组成。一是实验室建成前的部分,为客户提供实验室工艺设计,以及实验室工程的安装、调试和人员培训;二是实验室建成后的部分,为客户提供持续的软硬件的升级、实验室维护、实验设备及其安装调试以及试剂耗材的提供。 公司汇集了一批高素质、高水平、高效率的科技人才和管理队伍,坚持走引进吸收与自主开发并重的技术道路,开发了具有水平的实验室建设流程,为中国石化、中科院、、中国检验检疫、南京大学、上海宝钢、红牛饮料、罗地亚制药等众多国内外企事业单位的实验室建设提供了专业的服务,赢得了客户的广泛赞誉。公司以自主创新为先导,与国内外实验室装备供应商紧密合作,始终密切关注和跟踪国际实验室建设的发展动态,准确把握具有国际水平的实验室设计理念,凭借已有的丰富经验,致力于构建专业实验室,全力为保障经济社会可持续发展和建设创新型国家提供技术支撑。Beijing Jinyuan Technology Co., Ltd. is a professional laboratory consultant, design and construction. Adhering to the tenet of "safety, health, environmental protection and people foremost", the company is committed to promoting professional laboratory construction concepts and technologies, and providing customers with professional laboratory construction services, such as conceptual design, planning and design, laboratory procedures and layout design, engineering installation and commissioning, equipment procurement and management consulting service.The company's business is consisted of two parts. The first part is the preparation for lab construction, providing customers with the laboratory process design, installation commissioning of laboratory works, and staff training; the second part is the services after the completion of laboratory, providing customers with continuous updates of hardware and software, laboratory maintenance, installation and commissioning of laboratory equipment, as well as reagents and materials.The company brings together many talents of high-quality, high-level and high efficiency and an effective management team. Adhering to the principle of attaching equal importance to adopting advanced technological achievements and independent development, the company has developed an advanced laboratory construction process that reaches the domestic advanced level, provided first-class specialized laboratory construction services for many domestic and international first-class enterprises and institutions, such as Sinopec Group, Chinese Academy of Sciences, COFCO, China Inspection and Quarantine, Nanjing University, Shanghai Baosteel, Red Bull Energy Drink, Rhodia Pharma, and has won wide acclaim from customers.Guided by independent innovation, the company establishes close cooperation with many world-leading suppliers of laboratory equipment, always pays close attention to the latest developments in the field of international laboratory construction, and accurately grasps international-level laboratory design concepts. Relying on rich experiences, the company is committed to building specialized laboratories, and providing technical support for the sustainable development of economy and society and the construction of innovation-oriented country. 查看详细
工商信息Business information
经营状态 存续 天眼评分


注册资本 5500万人民币 人员规模 -
实缴资本 0 工商注册号 110113021759528 组织机构代码 MA007BA0-9
统一社会信用代码 91110113MA007BA09U 纳税人识别号 91110113MA007BA09U 营业期限
企业类型 有限责任公司(自然人投资或控股) 行业 科技推广和应用服务业 核准日期
参保人数 0 登记机关 北京市顺义区市场监督管理局
曾用名 北京布兰斯文仪家具有限公司;北京智朗家具有限公司; 英文别称
注册地址 北京市顺义区林河经济开发区林河大街22号院12号楼2层201室(科技创新功能区)
经营范围 技术开发、技术咨询、技术转让、技术推广、技术服务;信息咨询(不含中介);劳务分包;产品设计;工程管理服务;销售家具、I类、II类医疗器械、环保设备、制冷设备、仪器仪表、机械设备、服装鞋帽、家用电器、通信设备、灯具、针纺织品、皮革制品、卫生间用具、体育用品(不含弩)、日用品、塑料制品、门窗、工艺品(不含文物、象牙及其制品)、机械设备、电子产品、计算机辅助设备;承办展览展示;家具维修;技术进出口;施工总承包、专业承包;建设工程勘察;工程设计。(市场主体依法自主选择经营项目,开展经营活动;施工总承包、专业承包、建设工程勘察、工程设计以及依法须经批准的项目,经相关部门批准后依批准的内容开展经营活动;不得从事国家和本市产业政策禁止和限制类项目的经营活动。)
股东信息Shareholder information
序号 股东(发起人) 持股比例 认缴出资额 认缴出资日期
50% 2750万人民币 2065-08-01
50% 2750万人民币 2065-08-01
专利信息Patent Information
序号 申请日 专利名称 专利类型 申请号 公开(公布)号 公开(公告)日




资质证书qualification certificate
证书图片 名称 发证机构 生效日期 截止日期  
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